The Home for Misfit Wizards
At Worthwich, you’ll find an inviting community united by their passion for all things magical.
Known as the home for misfit wizards, Worthwich is for all those who never got their letter, who found their magic later in life, or who just don’t quite fit in.
Wizarding Weekend began as a space for fans to live out their fantasy of attending a school of wizardry, but over the years it has grown into so much more.
Whether you’re a baby witch looking to learn the magical arts, a super fan seeking to role play in the fantastical multiverse, or just a misift on the path of discovering your authentic self. Worthwich invites you to explore with us.
Worthwich was started by two queer witches, Maiko and Faye who continue to run the inclusive institute today alongside a village of dedicated professors, staff, and students.